The Clone Wars Early Demonstration is now available! Head to the Demos page for info, pictures, and a download link. If you want to learn more about the full mod go to the Upcoming Mods page. Enjoy! - Nedarb7
Just as a note the CW Early demo is still coming, maybe not as early as intended due to current busyness, but do expect it this summer (it is very unlikely it will be released any later). Thanks for waiting this far, I hope to give you this demo soon! I have once mentioned a mod called "Civil War Era", I now present you the official teaser trailer! Enjoy! - Nedarb7
A note for all who have downloaded the Clone Wars Late demonstration before 1:47 PM May the 2nd 2013, un-install the mod (instructions found in the readme included in the demo package) then re-download and install (again instructions found in the readme included in the demo package), a loading screen glitch was found and has now been fixed (updated download link on the Demos page). Thank you! Also keep an eye out for the Clone Wars Early demonstration, which will take place at an ambush on the Kamino cloning facility! - Nedarb7
Head on to the Demos page to download the Clone Wars Late Demo! On the page you will find all future demos, screenshots, download links, descriptions, and more. Enjoy! - Nedarb7
Watch for the upcoming Clone Wars Expansion demos. They will include three classes for each side and specialized gameplay styles. Demos will take place on maps Utapau and Kamino, Utapau for CW Late and Kamino for CW Early (see the Upcoming Mods page for more information on game modes). Expect to see them soon! - Nedarb7
I've been busy working on two new mods for SWBF2 lately, Clone Wars Expansion and Civil War era, however I will only be posting Clone Wars Expansion info, pictures, and videos until it is completed. My modding skills have improved so these mods can be expected to be more advanced than Nedarb7's MOD. Check the Upcoming Mods page for info on CW Expansion. - Nedarb7